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Project Update: The Good Food Impact Hub


Updated: Apr 4, 2024

IP3 has had the privilege of working on multiple projects with the Center for Good Food Purchasing over the past several years. Most recently, we collaborated to develop and launch the Good Food Impact Hub, with support from The Rockefeller Foundation.

The Good Food Impact Hub is a web-based advocacy tool for food systems stewards to advance values-based food procurement. Designed with policymakers, advocates, and communities in mind, the Good Food Impact Hub calculates potential economic, health, and environmental benefits of adopting values-based procurement strategies, and gives users stories and resources to begin that work.

Advancing Policy Advocacy

Policy is a powerful lever for food-system change. Institutions and communities around the Nation are advancing policies—like institutional food procurement

—to shift food systems and benefit people and the planet. The Good Food Impact Hub is a new tool that leverages collective knowledge, data, and real-world examples from communities to answer key questions about the return-on-investment (ROI) for implementing food purchasing policies. The impact calculators in the tool show ROI—in health, economic, and environmental metrics—for specific good food purchasing policies and strategies adopted.

The Impact Hub is designed for anyone in a position to advocate and build public support for practices and policies that create a more sustainable, equitable food system. The tool offers an easy-to-use interface to quantify and articulate the positive impacts of implementing smarter methods of providing food to constituents—from buying more organic products to sourcing more food locally. Join the national movement to bring good food policies to your city with the Good Food Impact Hub!

IP3’s Role in the Project

At IP3, we work with partners interested in leveraging technology to advance equitable well-being. After partnering with the Center on IP3 ASSESS, we were glad to partner to bring the vision of the Impact Hub to life. IP3 helped guide the development of the Impact Hub technology platform itself and the analytic model upon which the ROI calculations are based. Our team conducted a comprehensive literature review to support the analytic model and advised on methods and product development. IP3 co-coordinated product development with the Center team, and managed stakeholder and end-user interviews to inform technology and content development, as well as quality assurance.

About the Center for Good Food Purchasing

Food service institutions spend over $125 billion on food each year. The Center for Good Food Purchasing uses the power of procurement to create a transparent and equitable food system for people, animals, and the planet, working in partnership with national and local partners across the US to help major institutions nationwide adopt and implement the Good Food Purchasing Program. The Center works with public institutions, using food purchasing data to improve knowledge of how food purchases align with social and environmental values. This transparency and knowledge empowers institutions and communities to advocate for policy changes, investments in values-aligned producers and infrastructure, and greater accountability and stewardship by actors along the supply chain.


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